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Decorative articles - Eye on Design

Dekoratívne predmety

Dekorácie pre domov

Dekorácie sú jedným z najlepších a najjednoduchších spôsobov, ako vytvoriť štýlový interiér. Domov je oáza pokoja a miesto, ktoré odráža váš štýl, zmysel pre estetiku a záujmy - takže ak snívate o tom, že vaše izby budú vždy vyzerať skvele a pripomínať vám to, čo si v živote najviac ceníte, stavte na dizajnové dekoratívne články, ktoré budú konzistentné s vami a vašou víziou sveta. 

Dekoratívne články - prečo sú takou dôležitou súčasťou dekoru? 

Zariadenie priestoru, ktorý odráža charakter jeho obyvateľov a zároveň je štýlový, je, na rozdiel od zdania, nie ľahkou úlohou. Zariadenie domova nábytkom a základnými predmetmi nemusí stačiť. Aby sme mohli hovoriť o teplom a útulnom alebo dizajnovom byte, je nesmierne dôležité pridať dekorácie, ktoré nasmerujú interiér k zvolenému štýlu.

Na tento účel môžu byť potrebné elegantné sochy a sošky, moderné podpery na knihy, ako aj vintage-štýlové sošky. Každý, kto má aspoň trochu záujem o interiérový dizajn, si určite dobre uvedomuje, že sú to detaily, ktoré najviac ovplyvňujú vnímanie daného interiéru. Malé zmeny, ktoré sa na prvý pohľad môžu zdať takmer nepostrehnuteľné, prinášajú do interiéru závan čerstvosti a úplne menia charakter miestnosti.

Pri zdobení vášho priestoru však stojí za to mať na pamäti, že niekedy menej je viac - aj tie najlepšie vybrané doplnky môžu byť ohromujúce, keď ich je príliš veľa.

Typy dekoratívnych predmetov

Dekoratívne predmety sú veľmi široká kategória, ktorá môže zahŕňať dizajnové figúrky, elegantné sochy, podpery na knihy v rôznych rafinovaných tvaroch, ako aj o niečo praktickejšie - dekoratívne paravány. Jednou z najväčších výhod používania dekorácií pre domov je, že sú vo všeobecnosti univerzálne. To znamená, že môžete použiť rovnakú dekoráciu v kuchyni, obývačke a spálni. Medzi dekoratívnymi predmetmi môžete tiež nájsť stolné lampy, ktoré nielenže rozjasnia váš priestor, ale mu aj dodajú charakter. 

Vysokokvalitné doplnky a dekorácie

V našej ponuke nájdete moderné dekoratívne predmety, ktoré vás zaujmú nielen svojím vzhľadom, ale aj vynikajúcou kvalitou. S dobre zvolenými doplnkami z našej kolekcie získa váš interiér požadovaný vzhľad a budete mať pocit, že váš domov je odrazom vás samých.

Ak snívate o interiéri v boho štýle, stavte na dekoratívne doplnky s výraznými etnickými vzormi. Ak je však váš byt oveľa bližšie k modernému štýlu, môže byť dobrým nápadom kúpiť si figúrku alebo sochu s minimalistickou formou.

Originálne stolné lampy tiež dodajú vášmu interiéru šarm a výrazne zohrejú jeho obraz. Ak vás však ani jeden z vyššie uvedených predmetov neuspokojí, nečakajte ani chvíľu dlhšie a choďte hneď teraz do našej kolekcie, aby ste sa zoznámili so všetkými domácimi dekoráciami, ktoré máme v ponuke.

Zoradiť podľa

The uniqueness of the room is largely determined by accessories. If you are looking for something not obvious, then certainly an abstract sculpture of the head of terracotta, it will meet expectations, even if they are very demanding. Faithfulness to the mapping will be great in a modern living room as an accessory on a dresser. A minimalist dining room, in which you need a decoration that makes the effect of uniqueness, while not overwhelming it, will definitely like this figurine.Abstract terracotta head sculpture, HKliving, Eye on Design
Decorative figurine GANGSTER BUNNY black, Kare Design, Eye on DesignDecorative figurine GANGSTER BUNNY black, Kare Design, Eye on Design
Kare Design
Dekoratívna figúrka GANGSTER BUNNY čierna Predajná cena€59 Bežná cena€79
FRENCHIE decoration black - Eye on DesignFRENCHIE decoration black - Eye on Design
Decorative terracotta figurine, Bloomingville, Eye on DesignDecorative terracotta figurine, Bloomingville, Eye on Design
Dekoratívna terakotová figúrka Predajná cena€29 Bežná cena€39
MANO decoration gold, Kare Design, Eye on DesignMANO decoration gold, Kare Design, Eye on Design
Kare Design
MANO dekorácia zlato Predajná cena€39 Bežná cena€59
Decoration EVOLUTION gold, Kare Design, Eye on DesignDecoration EVOLUTION gold, Kare Design, Eye on Design
Kare Design
Dekorácia EVOLUTION zlato Predajná cena€179 Bežná cena€219
Books are in every home. Baldur is a minimalist set of two sculptures that will ensure that your books will be perfectly arranged and will not fall. The whole is made of gray resin, and the texture of the supports is heterogeneous, which adds a rustic look. Remarking the heads of warriors from a wild tribe, supports placed on a shelf, dresser, bedside table or desk, will delight with their shape and color.Books are in every home. Baldur is a minimalist set of two sculptures that will ensure that your books will be perfectly arranged and will not fall. The whole is made of gray resin, and the texture of the supports is heterogeneous, which adds a rustic look. Remarking the heads of warriors from a wild tribe, supports placed on a shelf, dresser, bedside table or desk, will delight with their shape and color.
Adalina is a beautiful, white sculpture from the polyżywica, depicting yogi. In full concentration, with arms folded, he devotes himself to the peaceful meditation. This is a unique decoration with a heterogeneous texture that will help create a home and cozy atmosphere in your interior. It can be easily combined with other decorations to diversify the arrangement.Adalina is a beautiful, white sculpture from the polyżywica, depicting yogi. In full concentration, with arms folded, he devotes himself to the peaceful meditation. This is a unique decoration with a heterogeneous texture that will help create a home and cozy atmosphere in your interior. It can be easily combined with other decorations to diversify the arrangement.
Our WHO Do You Wanna Bee figurine is a finish with a characteristic pinch of Bold Monkey style. Put it together with your favorite candle or a bunch of flowers and give each table personal character. The shiny golden shade and funny design will make it a stylish and light addition to your interior. As a gift for a friend (or something for yourself), our figurine Bold Monkey Who Do You Wanna Bee is a joyful, little reminder to stop and feel the smell of roses.Our WHO Do You Wanna Bee figurine is a finish with a characteristic pinch of Bold Monkey style. Put it together with your favorite candle or a bunch of flowers and give each table personal character. The shiny golden shade and funny design will make it a stylish and light addition to your interior. As a gift for a friend (or something for yourself), our figurine Bold Monkey Who Do You Wanna Bee is a joyful, little reminder to stop and feel the smell of roses.
Rhinoceros is an add -on that catches the eye with its interesting shape, creating a mythical creature from a regular rhino, which Europeans impressed many years ago. Despite its heaviness and coarseness, a smooth and slender silhouette finish adds grace to the animal. The possibility of choosing the right color of concrete allows you to fully match this addition to the interior.RHINOCEROS concrete decoration - Eye on Design
During the day Bold Monkey Feeling Tropical Est a loud, but friendly addition to any room, and at night it turns into fiery, giving light creation, which it really is. Decorative lamp Feeling Tropical is the personification of Bold Monkey: Extravagant, with a grain of salt a table lamp with a bit of joke to the addition. Thanks to the bright light beating from her eyes, the Bold Monkey Tropical Feeling lamp is certainly a lamp, but it is also an element encouraging to talk.During the day Bold Monkey Feeling Tropical Est a loud, but friendly addition to any room, and at night it turns into fiery, giving light creation, which it really is. Decorative lamp Feeling Tropical is the personification of Bold Monkey: Extravagant, with a grain of salt a table lamp with a bit of joke to the addition. Thanks to the bright light beating from her eyes, the Bold Monkey Tropical Feeling lamp is certainly a lamp, but it is also an element encouraging to talk.
Vase with lid CANOPIE - IZUMI - Eye on DesignVase with lid CANOPIE - IZUMI - Eye on Design
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Vase with lid CANOPIE - LULA - Eye on DesignVase with lid CANOPIE - LULA - Eye on Design
Váza s vekom CANOPIE - LULA Predajná cena€139 Bežná cena€169
Vase with lid CANOPIE - ZOE - Eye on DesignVase with lid CANOPIE - ZOE - Eye on Design
Váza s vekom CANOPIE - ZOE Predajná cena€139 Bežná cena€169
The Love Is A Verb figure is a unique figure depicting two characters. The faces devoid of characteristics, with a penetrating look directed in their directions, create a romantic scenery. Aura from them beating makes them look alive. Despite the fact that they were entirely made of resin in an amazing, yellow color. It will perfectly find in rooms that need an avant -garde add -on.LOVE IS A VERB decoration - Eye on Design
LÁSKA JE SLOVESO dekorácia Predajná cena€209 Bežná cena€249
Vase with lid CANOPIE - ROSIO - Eye on DesignVase with lid CANOPIE - ROSIO - Eye on Design
Váza s vekom CANOPIE - ROSIO Predajná cena€139 Bežná cena€169
Table lamp MY LITTLE FRIDAY NIGHT - Eye on DesignTable lamp MY LITTLE FRIDAY NIGHT - Eye on Design
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Table lamp MY LITTLE EVENING - Eye on DesignTable lamp MY LITTLE EVENING - Eye on Design
Stolná lampa MOJ VEČER Predajná cena€99 Bežná cena€119
A long, long time ago there was no place and a small house stood under a glass dome. At sunset, it becomes a living and almost surreal place at the same time. The decorative lamp My Little Neighbour is an empire of light, surrounded by aura of mystery, which is at your fingertips. Project: MarcantonioTable lamp MY LITTLE NEIGHBOUR - Eye on Design
Stolná lampa MY LITTLE NEIGHBOUR Predajná cena€289 Bežná cena€349
Table lamp MY LITTLE VALENTINE - Eye on DesignTable lamp MY LITTLE VALENTINE - Eye on Design
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Table lamp MY LITTLE KONG - Eye on DesignTable lamp MY LITTLE KONG - Eye on Design
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Table lamp MY LITTLE CORNER - Eye on DesignTable lamp MY LITTLE CORNER - Eye on Design
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Pair of wooden figures LOVEBIRDS black - Eye on DesignPair of wooden figures LOVEBIRDS black - Eye on Design
Decorative figurine PUFFIN beech wood - Eye on DesignDecorative figurine PUFFIN beech wood - Eye on Design
Decorative figurine MONKEY teak and lime - Eye on DesignDecorative figurine MONKEY teak and lime - Eye on Design
LIMOUSINE decorative figurine black - Eye on DesignLIMOUSINE decorative figurine black - Eye on Design
Decorative figurine LIMOUSINE oak wood - Eye on DesignDecorative figurine LIMOUSINE oak wood - Eye on Design
Decorative figurine DOG walnut wood - Eye on DesignDecorative figurine DOG walnut wood - Eye on Design
Decorative figurine BEAR Oak wood - Eye on DesignDecorative figurine BEAR Oak wood - Eye on Design
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Decorative figurine RABBIT Oak wood - Eye on Design